YOU SLOTH!!!A sloth is a mammal noted for its sluggishness. Its name is derived from the Middle English word slouthe, which means “lazy.” When we hear…Aug 2, 2023Aug 2, 2023
ARE YOU STUPID???In this age of ever-increasing sensitivity and political correctness, the prospect of sharing unfiltered truths is often met with…Aug 2, 2023Aug 2, 2023
On Christianity, Zazen, Birds, and AntsI tried to sit zazen for ten minutes today but ended up meditating on Bible verses instead. I’m not new to Buddhism or Zen. Both are…Aug 13, 2021Aug 13, 2021
Quarantine Shots & Some Random MiscellanyWhen the pandemic hit us in March last year, I took the time to practice what little photography skills I had, albeit indoors, since I…Mar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021
The Church Today Needs To Buy Gold Refined by Fire, White Garments, and Salve for the EyesIt’s a common strategy used by us evangelical Christians to disciple and train individuals with “potential,” those with influence. You…Feb 11, 2020Feb 11, 2020
Moving From ‘Bahala Na’ Toward A Theology of ExcellenceBut you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of…Nov 3, 2019Nov 3, 2019
The McDonaldization of Christianity: My ThoughtsI wrote this piece last October 2018 as requested by my professor in Contemporary Theology. He gave us a copy of one of the chapters of…Jun 17, 2019Jun 17, 2019
A Quick Lesson on Synapses, Contentment, and the Theology of SanctificationI was pondering recently about my son’s growing curiosity, how, as a six-year old boy (seven, almost), he would ask questions just about…Jan 18, 2019Jan 18, 2019
Published inDialogue & DiscourseTheologians Ought To Be Scientists, Too“I am merely thinking God’s thoughts after him.” — Johannes Kepler, German mathematician, astrologer, astronomer, and theologianDec 28, 20184Dec 28, 20184
On Bisons and BuffaloesAfter reading Kosuke Koyama’s Water Buffalo Theology and realising how important it is to do theology in context, I began to wonder how I…Dec 14, 2018Dec 14, 2018